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診所簡介. About
★ Our Goal & Service items
★ Professional career of Dr. Lin
★ Map of Dr. Lin’s Clinic
★ Schedule of Clinic
★ Equipment

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★ Dr. Lin’s Eye Clinic and Laser Vision Correction Center
Add.: 437, Ching-guo Road, Taoyuan district,Tao-yuan city, 33044, TAIWAN Tel: +886-3-3169856
【Our Goal & Service items 】

Founded in 2002, we honestly care people and sincerely introduced advanced techniques and instruments in a vision to bring more brightness to people.

★Swiss Z8 OCT guided 3D Ultra thin-flap Femto-LASIK to correct shortsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
★German WaveLight GOLD EX500 excimer to correct presbyopia.
★Swiss Z8 Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery.
★America Alcon Centurion active fluidics small incision cataract surgery and intraocular len implantation.
★Orthokeratology to correct myopia.
★Retina tear, detachment, hemorrhage, edema…treated by green laser.
★Diabetic retinopathy laser treatment.
★Glaucoma & vitreous floater laser treatment
★Rigid gas permeable & soft contact len, glasses
★Pterygium excision and amnion membrane graft by fibrin sealant.
★Amblyopia, strabismus, corneal & conjunctival diseases.
★Botulism and hyaluronic acid microplasty.
★Blepharoplasty, Eye cosmetic surgery.

【Professional career of Dr. Lin】
★Clinical research at AugenKlinik, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Deutschland.
★Clinical study at IROC, Institut für Refraktive und Ophthalmo-Chirurgie, Zurich, Swiss.
★Experimental & Clinical study at Singapore National Eye Center.
★Ophthalmology trained at Linkou Medical center, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
★Director, Department of Ophthalmology, Min-Shen General Hospital
★International member, American Academy of Ophthalmology.
★Member of International Society of Refractive Surgery
★Member of American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
★Member of Ophthalmological Society of R.O.C. ★Ophthalmological Specialist of R.O.C.
★Certificated by Educational Commission of Foreign Medical Graduate, USA.
【Map of Dr. Lin’s Clinic】

【Schedule of Clinic】  
  Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.


[Swiss Z8 Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery]

Small spot, focused precicely, laser speed more than million per second (Mega Hertz), laser duration can be as short as 200 femtoseconds (10-15 seconds), laser energy can be as low as 50 nano Joules (10-9 J), can make small, uniform clear cornea incision, also can make round, central openings of the lens with right size, and cataracts can be divided into small pieces by the laser to reduce the amount of used ultrasound to enhance safety of minimally invasive cataract surgery and postoperative visual acuity.

[Swiss Z8 OCT guided 3D LASIK to correct shortsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia]

Swiss Z8 femto laser developed integrated optical coherence tomography (OCT), accurate scanning of the epithelial and Bowman’s layers of the cornea to detect any abnormal situation, before deciding on the thickness of the corneal flap lift (pictured above), can safely made ultra-thin corneal flaps (80~100 μm, and schedule 1 micron), making the corneal flap and corneal nerves heal fast and stable, can leave a thick and strong basal layer of the cornea, can correct more degrees of myopia and astigmatism.

Switzerland Z8 3D femtosecond laser can select 30~150 degrees edge angle of the corneal flap according to the characteristics of the cornea in patients, corneal flap embedded with corneal basal layer , bonded together by physical, in addition to biological force, healing more quickly and resistant to shearing force, with less dry eye symtoms by quick healing of corneal nerve (pictured above on the right). (Previous femtosecond lasers most are 2D planar laser, corneal flap edge angle cannot be chosen arbitrarily, pictured above on the left). Z8 also can make oval-shaped corneal flaps, which are more compatible with the oval-shaped laser zone of astigmatism correction, with adjustable axis angles to promote the visual quality of laser astigmatism correction.


【German Wavelight GOLD EX500 eximer laser with Zeiss surgical microscope 】   【German Schwind Carrio-Pendular microkeratom】

Equipped with new flapless one-step StreamLight Transepithelial PRK to correct shortsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. Also accompanied with OLCR non-contact corneal pachymetry, iris registration, NeruroTrack, 500Hz laser speed, 1050Hz multi-spatial IR tracker, custom Q presbyopia alleviating program, 0.68mm Gaussian beam profile.

  Novel pendular advancement safer for small and deep-set eye, curved head and blade to compress and protect corneal center, capable of safely elevate corneal flap as thin as 90 μm to perform Pendular Ultra thin-flap LASIK, Pendular-SBK.


【American ALCON Gold Centurion Active Fluidics Ultrasonic Phacoemulcification system】

With Active Fluidics, which had dual pressure sensors and active fluid perfusion, a certain intraocular pressure can be set and maintain during surgery to reduce complication. While the high efficiency torsional OZil Intelligent Phaco reduced the ultrasonic energy required, and Intrepid Balanced tip having fine ultrasound probe of innovative radian and sleeves, not only reduced the proximal twist and temperature, but also increased the distal swing to improve the efficiency of cataract emulsification.



【Swiss Meridian 532α Green Laser and Haag- Streit BQ900 LED Slit-Lamp Biomicroscope】

Capable of treating glaucoma ,diabetic retinopathy , macular edema and hemorrhage ,retinal hole and detachment ,retinal hemorrhage and vascular occlusion.
  【Australian Ellex Ultra Q Reflex Nd:YAG Laser】

Australian Ultra Q Reflex laser innovated true coaxial illumination with illumination, aiming beam and laser all on the same axis to provide easiness of finding the vitreous floaters under good red reflex and presice vitreolysis by safer low energy. It also can treat aftercataract and angle closure glaucoma safely and effectively by superior energy beam profile.


【German Wavelight Oculyzer II 】
Using German Pentacam HR Scheimpflug 3D blue light rotatory scanning technology and Fourier analysis to evaluate the difference of cornea curvature, height and thickness.Accompanied by Belin/Ambrosio Enhanced Ectasia Display to detect keratoconus and Holladay EKR report to calculate accurate IOL power for cataract surgery. With Oculink program to perform Oculink LASIK to improve the vision of people with irregular central corneal curvature.


【Swiss Haag-Streit Octopus 600 automatic Perimetry】

Capable of detect the scope and sensitivity of visual field precisely and quickly to evaluate the damages caused by diseases like glaucoma, brain, optic nerve and retina. The picture down left showed arcuate visual defect caused by early glaucoma; the picture down right showed constricted visual field caused by advanced glaucoma which interrupted patients’ daily life.





【German Oculus Corvis ST Tonometer】

Not only can detect corneal thickness to correct intraocular pressure, but also using Scheimpflug Technology to visualize and calculate corneal deformation after air puff to estimate corneal biomechanical properties. It is helpful for Dr. to evaluate eye condition before laser surgery.



【German Wavelight Allegro Wavefront analyzer】

  【German Wavelight Topolyzer Vario】
Capable of detect 1st to 27th degrees of high order aberration of the whole visual pathway, and measuring refractive errors precisely to 0.01 Diopter to perform Wavefront-guided LASIK to improve vision.   Measuring 22,000 spots on cornea surface, capable of detecting irregular astigmatism, keratoconus, pupil , iris and visual axis for performing Topography-guided LASIK plus iris registration to improve vision and helping prescribing ortho-k rigid gas permeable myopia correcting lens.


【Swiss Haag-Streit Lenstar APS】

Using Optical low coherence reflectometry(OLCR),which developed from Optical coherence technology(OCT), to measure cornea thickness(precise to 1 micrometer),anterior chamber thickness, lens thickness, eye axial length, retinal thickness. Using 2 zones, 32 spots technique to measure cornea curvature, astigmatism, axis, cornea and pupil diameter. Having Olsen program , which considering lens thickness, to calculate intraocular lens’ power. Also with Shammas No-History and Masket program to calculate intraocular lens’ power of post-LASIK patients.



【Optos Monaco Optical Coherence Tomography/Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope】

England Optos Monaco used scanning red and green laser which has higher resolution and lower Illuminance, to provide visualization of the retinal surface, choroid, metabolic function, and structure (depth cross section) with its high resolution 200⁰ single capture color and autofluorescence fundus imaging in less than 0.4 seconds and in a less dazzling way.

Monaco speacially equipped with 12 x 9mm central pole registered OCT scan, featuring eye tracking, 70,000 A scans/ second and 10 micron depth resolution to provide clear 3D structure of the retina, optic nerve and choroid. This is very important for the diagnosis and management of diabetic retinopathy, age related maculopathy and glaucoma.


Accutome Ophthalmic Ulrasound Imaging System

【 Accutome 4Sight Ophthalmic Ulrasound Imaging System】

Accutome 4Sight provides a single solution for ophthalmic diagnostics by combining A-Scan and B-Scan. Its A-Scan can measure anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, VCD, and axial length by auto or manual mode, with clinical accuracy of 0.1 mm and frequency of 10MHz. It has 3rd and 4th IOL Formulas such as Hoffer Q, Holladay I, SRK II, SRK/T, Binkhorst II, Haigis, Clinical History, Contact Lens, and Shammas Clinical, which can improve the accuracy and effect of cataract surgery.

Its B-scan has axial resolution of 0.015 mm (electronic), lateral Resolution of 0.085 mm (electronic), frequency of 12 MHz or 15 MHz, scan angle of 60° and 256 scans per frame. In case of mature cataract and severe vitreous hemorrhage, which impede retina examination of routine indirect ophthalmoscope, B-Scan can still pass through the ocular media opacity and help to check the abnormality of retina and choroid.


【Other advanced instruments including the following】

American Sonomed sonography, Japan Tomey ultrasound pachymetry, Japan Canon pneumatic tonometry, Japan Topcon Auto refractometry, American SciScan Statim Sterilizer, Unipolar and bipolar electrocauterilizer ...etc.



Above introduction of instruments quoted from Alcon, Ziemer, Schwind, Wavelight, Haag Streit, Oculus,Optos, Ellex, Accutome…. The effects of treatment may not be the same for everyone and are influenced by the idiosyncrasy of persons. One should visit eye doctor for more specific information. ©2021 Dr. Lin’s Eye Clinic and laser vision correction center.


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地址 : 33044 桃園縣桃園市經國路 437 號 / 電話 : ( 03 )316-9856
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